The avocado (Persea americana) is a tree grows from Central America to South American Andean regions. The avocado fruits have a buttery consistence and an exquisite flavor. Research has shown the cardiovascular benefits, insulin-stimulative, and anti-oxidative effects of avocado pulp.
Avocado provide vitamin A, riboflavin, thiamin, and unsaturated oil.
The Green Labs LLC. is now manufacturing the best Avocado Powder Extract 4:1 from avocado tree cultivated entirely in Brazil.
The excellent quality, stability, and flavor of Avocado Powder Extract 4:1 manufactured by The Green Labs LLC. allow the preparation of delicious superfoods and as functional ingredient of various foods.
- Olushola AI et al. Biochemical Effects of Aqueous Extract of Persea americana (Mill) on the Myocardium of Left Ventricle of High Salt-Fed Adult Wistar Rats. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2017 Oct;22(4):765-769.
- Rao US, Adinew B. Remnant B-cell-stimulative and anti-oxidative effects of Persea americana fruit extract studied in rats introduced into streptozotocin – induced hyperglycaemic state. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2011;8(3):210-7.
Specification: 100% High Quality
Botanical Name: Avocado Powder Extract 4:1
Ref Number: TGLAPE41
Tested by: QC