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The Green Labs LLC
120 Brighton Road, Unit 5
Clifton NJ, 07012

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September 2024
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Social + Sustainable Projects


he Green Labs LLC is a Small Business entity founded with Sustainable and Social purposes. Core projects must concentrate on environmental, social, and animal conservation & aid, usually, carried in rural areas of Brazil or Ecuador but not limited to other areas of need.

Sustainability itself may have different meanings depending on the perspective of each culture or ethnic group reached, for The Green Labs LLC sustainability means providing enduring solutions to certain targets of the community. We strive to make our planet a better place to subsist in, not just for us but for our children and the generations to come. As policy procedure, we strongly disagree to support entities that operate under unfair labor practices, animal torture or abuse, children & woman slavery and abusive forced labor. We aim to assist those who have necessities that we can somehow, between our limited resources, partially or totally assist with.


We strongly feel empathetic to lend a hand or provide that special something in need. Actions of compassionate intention inspire us to work harder and generate resources to assist, caring for this vision is the challenge of our lifetime, as people. As a company that relies on the treasures and charms of this beautiful blue planet, we look to work on healing and nurture it to its prime. Our footprint in this journey may not make a noticeable public impact but we hope that tears a smile of relief out of our beloved recipients. We truly look forward to leave a good guide for our future leaders and other organizations to follow.


The Green Labs LLC has local supporters conducting careful assessments to identify small community needs that we can address in a way that respectfully fits their local values and culture, plus the planning process involved with multiple community partners. The Green Labs make every effort to use materials, equipment and technology from local resources when possible. The existence of local groups help supporting projects’ long-term operation, maintenance and existence. We involve community members in the selection of assignments, working together to operate, maintain, and deliver our part along theirs. With the help of local organizations and volunteers to supply needed presence and delivery, results into strengthen the locals ability to meet project objectives.


The Green Labs LLC has partnered up and supports Associacao Viralatas de Raza in Sao Gotardo, Brazil to accomplish several short term and long term projects. Cruelty to animals is an offence under Brazilian law and the punishment is three months to one year imprisonment and a fine. The Animal Protection Union (União Protetora dos Animais – UPA) is a not-for-profit organization where cases of animal abuse may be reported. Based in Campinas in São Paulo State, they operate in ten cities in Brazil. This is one of the examples of how we work with local supporters and non profit organizations.


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